Monday, June 2, 2008

My Spaces? Head Book? What Does It All Mean?

Okay. This is embarassing. I like to think I'm fairly technologically savvy. After all, I can make my DVR record every episode of CSI ever made, set my alarm clock, create a super-anal color-coded spreadsheet laying out curriculum for the upcoming year, and put music on my I-pod (no initially easy feat mind you!). I even ridicule my mom for not being able to use e-mail and to send text messages. I toy with her by sending her texts because I know she doesn't know how to reply. This is definitely bad karma.

So for years I've heard chatter about these stupid Myspace pages and then that crazy Facebook word. For years I have passed on these tools explaining to others that I'm just not cool enough. So the time finally came when I had to climb aboard. Not because I'm cool enough now (as anyone who knows me can attest to). Just because I should.

So I sit and I stare at my pages and wonder how in the hell I make it pretty like everyone else's pages. Clearly I'm missing some computer networking chromosome. How does it all work? I want flashy pictures and neat vampire survey/game/thingies (I have no idea what these are, but they look so fun!). I want countdowns and movies and little poke icons. I want it all. My head hurts.


ETK said...

I felt the same way and was worried you had to be in college to understand. You'll get it. people will start sending you stuff and you just agree and move forward. :) next thing you know, you'll be creating apps for facebook.

Well, maybe not. :)

Anonymous said...

welcome to the cult!

Anonymous said...

Don't let any vampires or zombies attack you on Facebook!

Maigh said...

You have been assimilated.