Sunday, June 22, 2008

Spontaneity is good, right?


On Friday in the late afternoon, I was taking a break from cleaning and decided to jog through the IKEA catalogue. I savored the eclectic living rooms and the shiny kitchens and the restful boudoirs. I relished the - wait! Maybe I should redo my kitchen. After making several calculations, I thought, maybe I can redo my kitchen if I plan carefully, save up for a couple of months, and sell a lot of my stuff, including my current cabinets and cold, granite counter tops. So yesterday, I posted a listing for these items on Craigslist at a price I felt too high . . . umm . . . you know, just to see . . . and this is what my kitchen looks like at 7:00 in the morning on Sunday. I have yet to pick out flooring, back splash, counter top, cabinets, sink, and faucet. Maybe not my best laid plan. But definitely an adventure. An adventure! Yes! An adventure. Hmm. Adventures are fun, right? I don't think John thinks this an adventure.


ETK said...

Oh come on! That looks like TONS of fun!!! You should post a link to the kitchen stuff you like from Ikea!

John said...

My favorite part was when I discovered that the cabinets over the stove vent weren't even screwed into the wall and they fell off, crushed the oven and nearly killed a child.

Maigh said...


Viva la change, yeay for adventure and hooray for you for doing what you want. One of the few benefits of being one of those "grown up" people.