I can attest to this firsthand. No. Okay. This isn't my car. This is actually what I wanted to do with the culprit's cell phone. In fact, my car didn't really have, er, any, um, scratches or anything. But I did suffer a severe tire blow out at the hands of a self-absorbed, overtanned, bleached blonde oblivionite talking on her $500 iphone in her Nalley loaner BMW (which she probably was driving because her BMW was in the shop being repaired from another cell phone wreck). She ran me off the road without so much as a glance. I mean, why should she look? Why should she interrupt her very important conversation, probably about the newest Southbeach diet snack or her impending vacation to the Hamptons, to turn her head 45 degrees to glance in the other lane before moving? How selfish of me to expect such a courtesy.
Fortunately everyone (uh, me) was okay. There was no actual collision. Just my collision with the curb. Although Oblivionite's insurance wouldn't cover it since her car wasn't damaged, she says she will pay for my damage. Word to the wise (as stated by Atlanta police) . . . it's better to let someone run into you than to try to avoid the collision. If you just run someone off the road and cause other people's accidents, apparently you're not criminally liable and if you have Allstate, they're not going to cover it. Harumph. Wow.
Okay. I'm complaining a lot. On a happy note, my car wasn't hurt badly, I was only sore for the night, and my car is paid off next month! I'm having a party.
1 comment:
Woo-hoo, a PARTY! It's about time! I'll bring myself and some cider!
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